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Logistics Solutions for Video Games in Prisons and Jails

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Let’s talk about options and choices. Options and choices are what lead a person to be under the care of a correctional facility. Options and choices are what get taken away once they are there. And options and choices are what we can help correctional staff introduce to create a behavior incentive program that increases morale, teaches good habits, and enhances decision making skills.

We’re talking about gaming devices.

The evidence is there to support having gaming devices in correctional facilities but maybe you’re wondering how it logistically works. Most gaming devices need an Internet connection, a tech support line (or a savvy teenager), game cartridges, chargers, constant updates, etc. We’re guessing you don’t have extra staff on hand to manage a project like this which is where we come in.

The solution? No connection needed, Fully Loaded support, built in games tailored to the needs of your facility.

Even if you don’t know your Switch from your XBOX, we do and we can make the proper recommendations for your facility to create a safe and rewarding way for your inmates to earn time with these devices.

Our no wi-fi, handheld solutions come with E for Everyone games pre-loaded so there is no hassle of cartridges or connections. Sanitize between uses with our disinfecting swipes for ultra-safe entertainment.

Get in touch today if you need help with the logistics of using video games at your correctional facilities: (425) 582-3173, or james@fullyloadedelectronics.com. We're happy to help!

Gaming Systems for Prisons

Benefits of Gaming Corrections Nintendo

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